Sarah Boisvert
Entrepreneur & Founder
Fab Lab Hub, LLC
Sarah Boisvert is a pioneer in advanced manufacturing, 3D Printing, and innovative workforce training. As a co-founder of Potomac Photonics, Inc., Baltimore MD, which invented and manufactured the laser for LASIK eye surgery and laser machine tools for micro-manufacturing particularly of medical devices, she was one of the leading women in a male-dominated industry. After the sale of Potomac, she consulted for the MIT Fab Lab Network, based at the Media Lab, as well as for numerous industrial companies.
She founded Fab Lab Hub, LLC in Santa Fe, NM in 2017 to provide advanced manufacturing contract services, as well as develop workforce training programs. In 2017 Sarah interviewed 200 manufacturing companies to define the digital skills manufacturing operators and technicians need today.
In collaboration with America Makes, the national 3D printing institute, she recently developed a digital badge micro-certification program for 3D Printing technicians. The badges are issued by the New Collar Network, an MIT Fab Lab organization, that she co-founded. From 2018 – 2020 Sarah consulted for the National Governors Association “Future Workforce Now” project to develop a workforce policy toolkit for States. Fab Lab Hub was also granted an additive manufacturing registered apprenticeship by the US Dept. of Labor in 2020.
Sarah serves on the NM Bio-Sciences Authority and NM Tech Council Board of Directors, is a Fellow and Past President of the Laser Institute of America, an Ambassador of America Makes, founded the New Mexico chapter of the international Women in 3D Printing non-profit, and has served on the Boards of numerous international technical societies. She is a frequent media guest, most recently for BBC Radio, and has been quoted in many technical publications as well as in The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Boston Globe, and the Santa Fe New Mexican.