Meeting Agendas & Minutes
About The
NM Bioscience Authority
The New Mexico Bioscience Authority was created by the State of New Mexico in 2017 as a public-private partnership representing a collaborative among state government, research institutions, national laboratories and private industry in New Mexico. The authority aims to develop methods, programs and initiatives that stimulate investment in bioscience industries and provide additional employment opportunities for New Mexico residents.
Meeting Notice to the Public
Constituted as a “public body corporate” the Bioscience Authority is subject to the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, NMSA 1978, § 10-15-1, et seq.Notice to the public of the meetings of the New Mexico Bioscience Authority Board of Directors will specify the date, time, and place of the meeting and will state that a copy of the agenda will be made available on the public New Mexico Bioscience Authority website at least seventy two (72) hours prior to the meeting. Notice will be given to those newspapers and broadcast stations that have filed a written request with the Bioscience Authority for such notices of meetings. Notice will be by email at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting and the written Notice will be placed on the public New Mexico Bioscience Authority. For the purpose of zoom meetings, please contact snichols@nmbioscience.orgcreate new email 72 hours prior to the meeting to notify us that you plan to make a public comment during the open board of directors’ meeting.
Letter from the NMBSA Board of Directors regarding Zoom meetingsopens PDF file